Course description

This course, designed and facilitated by experienced industry experts, provides proven strategies to understand the priorities of your new role, leverage your team, and develop effective processes to prepare for the next crisis. The skills you will learn will increase your confidence quickly, help you avoid the common mistakes of new leaders, understand how to identify, and leverage partner organizations and their capabilities to assist you, and adopt proven approaches to your decision-making processes that streamline your learning curve without spending years learning it.

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What I'll learn.

  • Understand how best to conduct a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) to prevent business disruptions and accelerate recovery.
  • Learn the proven approaches and thought processes needed to develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan (BCP).
  • Understand, identify, and mitigate the challenges to your business continuity planning and implementation to save you time and reduce BCP costs.
  • Learn from real world examples of past business continuity failures, new potential threats, and cascading impacts of these threats on your organization and supply chain.
  • Understand the importance of training and exercising your personnel on your BCP to avoid confusion and streamline response actions, avoid costly delays, are effectively prepare your people for action when needed.


  • Basic Understanding of Electrical Infrastructure: Participants should have a foundational knowledge of electrical utility systems and infrastructure to comprehend the course content effectively.
  • Familiarity with Disaster Response: An understanding of disaster response protocols and procedures is necessary to apply the logistics strategies taught in the course.
  • Experience in Crisis Management or Related Fields: While not mandatory, experience in crisis management, emergency response, or a related field is beneficial to grasp the advanced concepts discussed in the course.

Frequently asked question

The course aims to help new leaders get up to speed quickly in their roles by teaching proven strategies to reduce learning curves, avoid common mistakes, and build confidence in themselves and their teams.

This course is ideal for new or emerging leaders in industry or government who need to master crisis management and leadership skills quickly.

You will learn to navigate crisis management, identify critical inputs and outputs, efficiently transition teams during crises, and build trust with stakeholders and partners.

The course consists of 12 lessons, each averaging 22 minutes, covering topics such as role transition, crisis management, and communication strategies.

The instructor, Mike Zappone, has over 30 years of experience in the electric sector, specializing in emergency preparedness, incident response, and leadership training.

Mike Zappone

Instructor Title: VP Sales and Marketing at Tempest Energy, Former Eversource Energy, Manager Emergency Preparedness, retired from the electric sector after 30+ yearsInstructor Bio: Mike has an extensive background in leadership based upon his long career in the private sector. He has served in multiple positions of leadership throughout his career both at the companies he worked for and across the electric industry. Mike’s award winning and nationally recognized expertise cuts across multiple disciplines including mutual assistance, business continuity, incident response, significant incident communications, various storm response position training.




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