Who Is The AHC?

Today, the AHC has evolved into a network of 45,000+ public and private stakeholders across multiple working groups and partnerships who work together within the trusted framework to share information, solve problems, produce solutions, coordinate investments and low the collective risks and impacts of common threats and disasters in the "life-line" sectors of energy (electric, fuel), transportation (rail, roadways, ports), telecommunications, food, water, medical, retail, logistics, etc..

The AHC is...

  • A Non-Profit. AHC is the All Hazards Consortium (AHC), a 501c3 non-profit organization established in 2005, which establishes Government-Industry partnerships to address complex operational problems.
  • An Accelerator of Getting Business Back To Business. The AHC serves as a private sector liaison to government to help expedite information sharing which results in removing operational delays to restore businesses and supply chains faster.
  • A DHS Approved, Annually Audited & State Sanctioned Organization. The AHC is a fiscally responsible organization that has manages millions in federal & state grant funds; is audited annually; and its trusted by state and local governments as a key public/private partnership.
  • An Operational Trust Framework. The AHC facilitates and manages a Trust Framework comprised of legal, policy, procedural and technical components designed to support integrated public/private planning and sensitive information sharing.
  • A Partnership and Resource Engine. The AHC provides information and links you to needed resources and organizations during regional disasters.
  • A Research Commercialization Accelerator. The AHC shortens the time it takes to move early stage R&D solutions into real world operational environments in the private sector which benefits both the critical infrastructure owners, the researchers and the investors.
  • A Sensitive Information Sharing Hub. The AHC operates a legal trust framework that provides the needed assurances to the public & private sector to share sensitive information safely and efficiently without legal issues via their Sensitive Information Sharing Environment (SISE) Working Group.
  • A Regulatory Compliance & De-confliction Partner. By connecting public & private operations professionals, the AHC allow private sector to address compliance issues more effectively and creates the environment for clarifying and/or de-confliction requirements.

  • A Professional Advisory Services Provider. By leveraging the our nationwide network of active and former operations professionals in industry and government, the  AHC serves as a mechanism for government members to get access to highly skilled advisors across a broad range of topics including grant writers, mitigation, disaster planning & exercises, information sharing cyber security, IT architecture, logistics supply chain, and many more.